Peter Thiel
Питер Тиль
Chief Posthumanism Officer (CPO), Queer Board member

Peter Thiel, an influential figure in the realms of technology and business, stands as a proponent of acceleration, anti-aging, and the singularity of incels. He has championed long-term thinking and effective altruism, placing a strong emphasis on promoting diversity and inclusion within the corporate world. Thiel's innovative influence reaches far beyond the tech sector. His contributions have left an indelible mark on the evolution of contemporary corporate structures. As the visionary founder of PMC Wagner Arts, a nonlinear entity that transcends traditional definitions, Thiel has been at the forefront of pioneering an extrapolative approach to the corporation's strategies and endeavors. By harnessing the power of numerical data and singular events, he steers this entity toward a future that boldly defies the constraints of convention, opening new vistas of possibility.

Qualification and Skills
Peter Thiel wields exceptional qualifications and skills in the domains of technology, entrepreneurship, and investment. As a co-founder of PayPal and an early investor in Facebook, he has cunningly pinpointed and fostered cutting-edge startups. Thiel's shrewd strategic acumen and unapologetic libertarian doctrine transcend limitations, establishing him as a formidable and influential figure in the ever-shifting terrain of highly influential yet frequently aimless tech and business entrepreneurs. His capacity to straddle the realms of technology, finance, and philanthropy while advancing an extremist agenda underscores his multifaceted expertise and unsettling prowess. He is an extraordinarily dangerous and sociopathic individual who employs contrarian tactics as his primary strategy.

Age: 43
Director since: September 2021
Board committees: Audit Committee
Other current public company boards: Palantir, WOPPOW, Wirecard, Meta, Thiel Foundation